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A Week in Review (sort of)

19 Sep

My sorority held a bake sale from 11pm-2am on Thursday night for all of the drunken souls walking to and from the bars that night. We didn’t just do this for fun, al though it was one hell of a good time, we did it to raise money for our philanthropy which is Literacy–helping kids learn how to read and have books of their own. We ended up selling all of our baked goods, which was great for us and for the little illiterate kiddies in the world. As we were nearing the end of the sale, with only about 10 baked goods remaining, one VERY drunk guy came over to our table with a bunch of his friends. His speech was slurred, his stance was wobbly, and he didn’t seem to be all there. Nonetheless, he offered to buy a baked good, and then said he would put in $2, instead of $1, if I would go hang out with him. Now, I don’t know if you’re not getting this, but if you’re having trouble piecing what I just said together–the guy tried to buy me for $2. I then told him I’m not an active participant in the “art” of prostitution, but $2 will buy a book for a student! I’m worth a fortune, aren’t I? After he left, my friends and I discussed my net worth–according to them, I’m worth more…I think.


19 Sep

So many ridiculous events and activities occurred within the last 48 hours, that my mind has officially disintegrated–not really. Basically, I need to sort the stories out in my head so that I can properly present them to you with the confidence that they will evoke tears and pain from extreme laughter and disbelief. So, friends of mine, if you would please bare with me, I will be with you momentarily. (In blog-time, momentarily means at some point tomorrow) Until then, feel free to review some of my old posts, or check out the new section featuring my college stories essay! It’s a true winnnnnnnaaaaa. (Winner).

And to all my Jews out there– L’Shana Tova (To all my non-Jews, that means happy new year)